Healthy Harvest Farm is a program of Heaven’s Helpers Food Pantry & Soup Kitchen, LLC. We are a recognized 501-C3 Non-Profit Organization. Our headquarters is located in Woodbridge, NJ with our Midwest branch in Menomonee Falls, Wi. Healthy Harvest Farm was formed with community in mind. We practice all clean growing methods on the farm, and much of the produce grown is donated to local food pantries via Feeding America in Milwaukee. We believe in giving back to our community, and what better way than through awesome nutrition!

Help us help our community
Come to the farm and volunteer a few hours a day, a week, a month and you will be hooked! Our volunteers love to spend time helping out our community. And if you can’t be a volunteer, consider being a sponsor or donor. This program is about community and helping others while building friendships and meaningful relationships with like minded people. Our success is your success, so lets roll up our sleeves and get planting together!

Growing healthy food for families and food pantries in Wisconsin
Much of our chemically free grown fruits and vegetables are donated to local food pantries via Feeding America. But to help us serve the community, we offer a 26 week CSA. We are all about agriculture at Healthy Harvest Farm.

Natural, Chemical Free growing
methods always!
Healthy Harvest Farm practices chemical free clean growing procedures on the farmland. Never any sprays, just mother nature at work everyday to provide our recipients with the freshest, cleanest food available.